Sunday 19 July 2009

Gremlins are the physical manifestation of Murphy's law

Yes it is I! Its been some time since my last post but worry not true believers I am back.

(I know i missed me) Anyway. I have decided to blame my absence on a law discovered by a dude named Murphy.

It is this dreaded law that haunts our day to day lives. Confusing confounding and convoluting even the simplest things. It is so evil that even an attempt to print it will jam your printer. Uploading it will crash your server and saying it out loud might give you laryngitis.

This is Murphy's Law.

To put an end to your confusion Murphy's law is not some reference to Robocop and the law he enforced. Although that was cool.

It just means that people will always think they know all they need to know to do something and just do it relying purely on fresh air and good luck. Since fresh air is very hard to come by these days it generally leads to a 50:50 chance of things going wrong. And Murphy's law makes sure they do and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

Lets face it. Idiots are ingenious. No matter what you do to foolproof something someone will find a way to fowl it up. Give an idiot a complex machine and things relay mess up. But once every few thousand years someone floops something up in such a manner of epic proportions a gremlin is born.

Gremlins are fowl creatures. They love hanging around large machines making them go bad just when you need to use them most. They love destroying the technology we so rely on.

Its quite simple. When something goes wrong and you know you did everything right and everyone feels the same way the only logical course of action is to call the exterminator to rid you of gremlins.

Sometimes sacrificing a giraffe into a volcano might help too but it is quite expensive so people tend to avoid it.

Gremlins start out as Mogwais. These cute little creatures seem harmless so most people tend to ignore them. But if you are not careful and allow it to eat after midnight it will evolve into a gremlin and then you can kiss the world goodbye.

So next time your refrigerator light does not turn on and you drink vinegar instead of water

Or your computer shuts down without saving your work

Or you just realise you spend thirty minutes of your precious life reading nonsense
on the internet

you know you got a gremlin.

Sunday 3 May 2009

History Of The Automobile (Proof Of Boredom)

The idea for a self-propelled vehicle has been around for a long time. Ever since we invented the wheel and put it on an animal driven carriage, we have tried to find out ways of removing the animal because they were fussy and wanted to form unions.

( some even succeeded in a place called Animal Farm which let to total mayhem).

So people were desperate.

Some of the earliest attempts have been recorded as far back as the 1300s when the

Italians recorded designs for wind driven vehicles. The first was Guido da Vigevano in 1335. It was a windmill type drive to gears and thus to wheels. However most wind driven vehicles were not very successful because the Italians did not have enough beans in their diet so jet propulsion was out of the question.

Later Leonardo da Vinci designed clockwork driven tricycle with tiller steering and a differential mechanism between the rear wheels. However he never got around to building it because he never finished anything he started.

Just ask Mona Lisa where her eyebrows went.

So most of these ideas were never implemented and most people still preferred horse drawn vehicles

Probably because they only used bio fuels and produced free fertilizers. However the animals kept on demanding higher wages and dental so people kept looking for alternatives.

The first vehicle to move under its own power for which there is a record was designed by Nicholas Joseph Cugnot (who was french) in 1770 which weighed 8000 pounds and had a top speed on 2 miles per hour. Its purpose was to haul cannons around town. However he was also one of the first people to be involved in a road accident in a motor driven vehicle when he crashed his car.(He was French.......)

In 1876, Nokolaus Otto patented the Otto cycle engine. Although engines have evolved a lot since then, the basic design is still much the same.

Now that we had a practical means to propel the horseless carriage, the animals could now retire to their farms where they contemplated their new found freedom (unemployment) except for the monkeys who saw an opportunity and wanted to hire themselves out as wrenches.

The path was now clear for the automobile revolution!!

In the early 1900s anyone with a monkey wrench, elbow grease and a workshop was considered to be a potential car manufacturer.

But cars were still very expensive and were more of a rich boy’s toy then an everyday transport system. This was because every car was still individually manufactured by hand.

That was until Henry Ford.

He invented the assembly line, which drastically cut down production costs and invented the dealer franchise system

“Almost half a century before Ray Kroc sold a single McDonald's hamburger, Ford invented the dealer-franchise system to sell and service cars. In the same way that all politics is local, he knew that business had to be local. Ford's "road men" became a familiar part of the American landscape. By 1912 there were 7,000 Ford dealers across the country.” -----The Time Magazine (Time 100-Most influential people of the centaury)

Cars were now available to the common man.

Unfortunately thanks to a man called Murphy who passed a law that ruined everyone's lives the automotive boom was short lived.

The early 19th centaury saw the outbreak of two world wars and major financial crises. Although the automotive industry was adversely affected by the war, it did help in further development of the technology making it more reliable and efficient.

In the early sixties, automobiles once again enjoyed the development boom. Only this time, people wanted cars, which would not only go faster but looked better as well.

The outcome was outrageous designs for cars. The muscle car and the hot rod revolution.

Cars had become symbolic with rock stars and Hollywood. (One of the most infamous examples can be Elvis’ purple caddy).

In the late seventies however, Due to gas shortages, car designs became more efficient and practical. Engines were now using less fuel and producing fewer pollutants.

People wanted quieter and cleaner engines so we started experimenting with alternative engines and by the 1990s, drastically improved the old internal combustion engine

The modern car is a marvel of engineering. The retirement plan for horses still pays its tribute to the humble four-legged environmentally friendly engine by measuring its power in ‘horsepower’. Although horses never got any royalty for the use of their name and intended to sue humans so most manufacturers started using the term Ps

Although we know that cars are here to stay, The future of the current engines is uncertain. Due to the growing environmental (tree hugger) concerns and lack of fuel the internal combustion engine’s time is running out.

Car manufacturers are looking at alternative fuel sources and new type of engines like the hydrogen powered vehicles and cars running of electric motors and fuel cells.

People are considering re hiring the animals as their 'other' products can be used as a source of natural gas.

Research is also being done in the field of hybrid technology i.e. combining internal combustion engines and electric motors to produce hybrid engines.

The quest for alternative engines and improved technology continues. Not because people started listening to the environmentalists (Tree Huggers) but possibly because they are bored and have nothing better to do.

After all, isn't that what makes it our nature to keep improving ourselves?

Friday 1 May 2009

Unidentified Fried Objects

We all love stories about UFO sightings. They make us feel that we may not be alone in this vast universe.
But there are certain things in many stories that strike me as weird.
Don't get me wrong I truly believe in the existence of extra terrestrials. By looking at the sheer size of the universe it would be insanely naive to think that
we are alone here.
Having said that, i would also think that if we are indeed being visited by ETs it is quite obvious that they would have technologies and understanding of the
universe far greater then our own.
Also( by the looks of it) the aliens are for some reason (maybe something similar to the prime directive) reluctant to make direct contact with us.
Now considering their (supposed) level of technology, it can be assumed that they would have stealth or cloaking technologies as well.( we have technologies
which hide us from radar and are working on ''invisibility'' cloaks of sorts with technologies like active camouflage)
By these statements it can be assumed that they would be capable of hiding themselves from us if they needed to.
So the question is why do we see UFOs?
Are they malfunctions in their cloaking devices or are they purposely showing themselves to us and if so why all the cloak and dagger stuff of hiding
themselves in the first place? Why not make proper contact with us?
If you say that they have dealings with our governments and they have asked them to stay hidden then that brings me back to my original
question of why do we see them in the first place.

Other theories could be experimental military aircraft but if that's the case then there are a lot of strange military aircraft out there and they have
been there for a long time and judging by the way the UFOs behave, those crafts have relay advanced technologies. Also looking at the fact that
we have been recording UFOs for over at least 60 years, why are those technologies not finding their way into the mainstream market?

Another reason may be that the ETs don't care about weather we see them or not. They are just passing by or conducting surveys and they
don't relay care weather ''us lower lifeforms'' see them.
What is the truth then? Are the UFOs military aircraft or natural phenomenon or are they alien tourists in an intergalactic zoo or are they far superior beings who think we are too young to make contact.
We have many discussions about weather an object is alien or not but not many people think why would an alien species would like to make contact and what motives they might have. Understanding this might let us understand the whole UFO phenomenon lot better

Wednesday 29 April 2009

Remembering Godzilla Part 4

The end of an era maybe but not the end of the GTR story. At the turn of the millennium Carlos Ghosn the CEO of Nissan planned a new GTR. This car would no longer be in the guise of a roadster but would be a full fledged supercar.

It would no longer bear the skyline name but would still pay homage to its past with its design elements.

The Nissan GTR is powered by the VR38DETT 3.8L V6 engine churning out 480HP at 6400RPM.

One of the most innovative features in the GTR is a dual clutch system.

One clutch for even gears and one for odd gears. In effect ‘Pre-Loading’ the next gear before shifting

Giving it phenomenally low shifting times.

Its design is reminiscent of the previous skylines with its round tail lamps and intakes.

The designers took their inspiration for the design from the Giant robots of Japanese Manga comics which helped the original skyline reach its legendary status.

The new GTR is highly customisable like its predecessors. Custom tuning packages can increase its power output to over 600HP.

The Nissan GTR is back in full force and its going to take on the world.

With its Gundam like air intakes and sharp lines this car was not engineered. It was sculpted and is truly a work of automotive art and Japanese design at its best.

It was intended to outperform the Porsche 911 and it delivered. All of that at a fraction of the cost of the 911 placing Japan back on the supercar map.

Remembering Godzilla Part 3

After a 16 year hiatus the GTR returned in its most infamous incarnation yet.

The legendary R-32 GT-R.

Meant to replace the Skyline GTS-R the GTR sported an all wheel drive system with 10 inch tires

Powered by a 2350cc Straight 6 Turbocharged engine pumping out 313HP. However the most important aspect of the R series was that the chassis could handle an excess of a thousand horse power making it a favourite for aftermarket tuners. The GTR was formidable but in the hands of an expert tuner the car became legendary. It helped popularise street racing in Japan with the Mid Night Club, An illegal street racing gang which required members to possess cars capable of going way past the 300kph mark.

All this coupled with its track victories truly earned it the name Godzilla.

The R33 model lived on till 1995

In 1995 the GTR was upgraded to the skyline R33 which was almost identical to the R32 except for a few improvements to the engine oil pump and a few other minor changes

In 1997 a new variant called the 400R was released which pumped out 400HP.

The 400R only got 44 units built due to the closure of the assembly line in 1998 making it one of the rarest and most sought after GTRs.

1999 saw the last incarnation of the Skyline GTR. This was the R34. Featuring an upgraded design the R34 had more down force and had much better handling than its predecessors.

This was the ultimate skyline. Featuring a fully upgraded dash with LCD displays to monitor and download all aspects of the performance.

In 2002 Nissan released the Z-Tune variant which had the engine tuned to reach over 9000rpm churning out over 500 HP making it a true supercar in disguise.

This however would be the last car to bear the name Skyline GTR and this was the end of an era.

Remembering Godzilla Part 2

It was the end of the Second World War. The Japanese war machine was dismantled and the country was in ruins after the atomic bombs were dropped.

The Japanese economy needed to recover so factories which were dedicated to producing weapons of war turned to manufacturing farm equipment trucks and cars.

One such company was the Tachikawa Aircraft Company which during the war manufactured the infamous Zero fighter. After the war ended the company went into manufacturing automobiles and in 1952 changed its name to The Prince Motor Company.

Prince turned out many successful designs but little did anyone know that it would be the beginning of a legend.

The prince motor company in 1957 introduced a midsized luxury sedan known as the Skyline.

In 1966 The Prince Motor Company merged with Nissan-Datsun and in 1969 The Nissan Skyline GTR was born.

February 4th 1969 was a historic day for it marked the release of the Nissan PGC 10 Skyline GTR.

It was based of a luxury sedan but under the hood it had a 2L 160hp power plant.

Known commonly as the hakosuka(hako is box and suka is short for skyline in Japanese) for its boxy four door design.

By the time the C-10 reached retirement, it had 33 victories under its belt in a period of less than 18 months.

With the release of the coupe this number reached 52 by 1972. Out of which 49 were consecutive wins.

This was the first Japanese car to truly defeat its European counterparts and come close to outperforming the legendary Porsche 911.

The next iteration of the GTR, the c110 came out in 1972 and was not much different than its predecessor and had the same engine. In fact it is rumoured that it was only produced to get rid of the leftover engines from the previous model.

Nissan never raced this model and 1973 was the last year of its production.

The world would not see a new skyline GTR for nearly 16 years.

Remembering Godzilla Part 1

A calm night on the outskirts of Tokyo is disturbed by a roar!

Say hello to Godzilla! But not the one you think. This is The Nissan Skyline GT-R.

A symbol of Japanese ingenuity. As Japanese as a giant robot and possibly as iconic as the Mach5 itself

The Nissan GTR was one of the best supercars ever built. It was so formidable that it earned the nickname Godzilla.

The GT-R had a history of racetrack dominance beginning with its 50 victories scored from 1968-1972, including 49 consecutive wins in the Japanese race circuit. Between 1989 to 1993 the GTR won all 29 races it entered and between 1991 to 1997 it took 50 races from 50 starts in the N1 Super Taikyu.

It inspired countless games, movies, anime and manga comics and has become an integral part of Japanese pop culture. And was in part responsible for the popularization of Illegal Street racing in Japan in the hands of the notorious Mid Night Club. The GTR was a Supercar disguised as a roadster.

Lets take a look into how this legendary car came about and what its latest evolution will be like.

Wednesday 15 April 2009

First Post: In the begening there was a raptor.............

Hi there fellow netsurfer! It is I Velociraptor invictuS!

What? You have never heard of me before?

Let me tell you a little bit about myself.

I am the self proclaimed jack of all trades who will probably be responsible for the end of the world in 2012. I specialize in taking things apart (although putting them back together is a different story).Despite all of this I am considered to be very responsible by others so when anything goes wrong I am responsible.

So what is the purpose of this blog you ask?

Bit of everything! From talking about stuff, how to take the said stuff apart(and possibly put it back together) , building random things mods and hacks and attempting to find the meaning of life.

For now this is the end of the first post. Remember….The best is always yet to come so stay tuned!!

This is the Raptor signing off for now

Stay tuned and Rock on