Wednesday 15 April 2009

First Post: In the begening there was a raptor.............

Hi there fellow netsurfer! It is I Velociraptor invictuS!

What? You have never heard of me before?

Let me tell you a little bit about myself.

I am the self proclaimed jack of all trades who will probably be responsible for the end of the world in 2012. I specialize in taking things apart (although putting them back together is a different story).Despite all of this I am considered to be very responsible by others so when anything goes wrong I am responsible.

So what is the purpose of this blog you ask?

Bit of everything! From talking about stuff, how to take the said stuff apart(and possibly put it back together) , building random things mods and hacks and attempting to find the meaning of life.

For now this is the end of the first post. Remember….The best is always yet to come so stay tuned!!

This is the Raptor signing off for now

Stay tuned and Rock on

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